Documentary Films on The D-Word

Dword avatar film

Norwood, Where Legends Were Born (2018)

In 1967 one of the most iconic cars in US history began life in Norwood Ohio. The Chevy Camaro

Dword avatar film

Dear Walmart (unreleased)

Produced by Kiley Kraskouskas


Rom Boys (2018)

Directed by Matt Harris

40 Years of Rad


All Grown Up (unreleased)

Directed by Wena Sanchez


Can't Stop The Water (2013)

Directed by Rebecca Marshall Ferris

“The White Man pushed us to the end of the earth. Now Mother Nature wants to push us back.”


Indigo (unreleased)

Directed by William Gagnadoux

Before the wind will scatter their ashes into oblivion.

Dword avatar film

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva (2016)

Directed by James Becket

The extraordinary life story of Indian eco-activist Vandana Shiva


Beautiful Raw (unreleased)

Directed by Yasmin Mistry

An animated documentary film depicting the lives of children in the U.S. foster-care system.


The Sint and Black Piet (2015)

Directed by Fritz Kohle

A story about how the tradition of Black Piet in the Netherlands is changing


And Then You Win (2015)

Four women and the state of Scottish independence


From The Shadows (unreleased)

Directed by Elizabeth Hong

Dword avatar film

Silent Waters: Tsunami 10 Years On (unreleased)

Directed by Mike Thomas

Untold stories and how lives have changed since the devastation of the Indian Ocean Tsunami


Coal Ash Chronicles (unreleased)

America's Second-Largest Waste Stream is Mostly Unregulated.


"Incurable Diseases" Is it a Business? (2014)

Cancer, AIDS and Autism – “Incurable Diseases” or Lucrative Investments


The Undesirable (unreleased)

Directed by Michael Jacoby

Dword avatar film

Variations (2012)

Directed by Laurie Little


Star in the Ring (2013)

Directed by Holden Kepecs

Saving the History of when Jews Dominated the Sport of Boxing

Dword avatar film

German Converts to Judaism (unreleased)

Directed by Michael Oved Dayan


Hollywood Post 43 Untold History (2012)

Directed by Matthew Conlan-McFaddin

The real history of Hollywood and its century long relationship with U.S. Military Veterans.