Tyler A. Chase Pro
- Username
- tylerachase
- Website
Film Projects
A Castle in Brooklyn, King Arthur (unreleased)
- Narration - Writer
- The Fairy Tale is Over...
- More details | Official website
Sweet Soul in Exile (unreleased)
- Auteur
- Something is Deeply Wrong is Brooklyn
- More details | Official website
Blues for 475 (unreleased)
- Director/Producer, Cinematographer , Editor
- It Could Happen to You
- More details | Official website
Tyler is an auteur/filmmaker/FAA Part 107 Certified sUAS aerial cinematographer with L'ORAGE Productions. Tyler founded L'ORAGE while attending New York University Film School. As a student, Tyler created two short, narrative 16mm films, Urban Inquisition and Fowl Play with Jack Mulcahy (The Brothers McMullen). In 2013 Tyler completed the award-winning, short narrative psychodrama, Animal Crackers (Pentimenti) Chase completed the award winning documentary short film, Sweet Soul in Exile in late 2018. In 2020, Tyler completed the award winning feature documentary film, A Castle in Brooklyn - King Arthur with Golden Globe Award winner Brian Cox as the Narrator. Presently Tyler is working on a feature documentary tentatively called, Always Here, regarding the cultural destruction of First Nations historical sites. Blues for 475 is in post production, Let Them Eat Geese is in development/production and Touched by Duse with Ellen Burstyn, Paul Sorvino, Elizabeth Ashley and others is pending a final shoot in Italy before its final cut.
Tyler was accredited by the Center for Women's Global Leadership to attend the United Nations Universal Periodic Review of Human Rights Violations in Geneva, Switzerland and to screen clips of two feature films as testimony, A Castle in Brooklyn and Blues for 475. She also participated on the human rights in housing panel at that session. Soon after, Tyler was part of a review discussion at the White House feedback event. Her work was also screened as testimony at the UPR of Human Rights at Columbia University for representatives of the Obama administration.
Memberships include: IDA, Film Fatales, The D-Word, The National Arts Club, SAG/AFTRA,