Carmen Elena Mitchell Pro
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- carmenelenamitchell
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Film Projects
Gabriel's Back Pages (2024)
- Director/Producer
- A Filmmaker's Journey Through Schizophrenia
- More details | Official website
The Real Girl's Guide to Everything Else (2010)
- Producer, Writer
- More details | Official website
Carmen Elena Mitchell (Director/Executive Producer) is the creator of the award-winning, critically acclaimed web-series The Real Girl’s Guide To Everything Else (profiled on NPR), and has shot and edited more than 40 documentary shorts highlighting advancements in aging services, including Joyful Hearts about the therapeutic power for music for Alzheimer’s patients, a profile on the first same sex couple to move into Wesley Palms Retirement Community, as well as a videos exploring the subjects of ageism and “creativity under quarantine.” Podcast credits include The Ethic and Video Podcast (producer) and The Tunnel of Truth, True Report on Gender and Race in the Reading Room (editor) and Path Forward Leadership (editor). Carmen was a recipient of the MTV/Pocket Books Short Fiction Award and a semi-finalist for narrative feature at Cinequest and Visionfest.leted.