Documentary Films on The D-Word

Dword avatar film

Listen Up: The Lives of Quincy Jones (1990)

Many Roles. Many Lives. One fascinating man.


Women of Faith (2010)

Directed by Rebecca Alvin

Why do women stay in the Catholic Church today?


Three Kings of Belize (2009)

three elderly musicians hold on to the way of life they cherish

Dword avatar film

Rink Rats (2010)

Produced by Daniel Hornberger

When a street hockey rink was the universe...


Wanchaq (2007)

Directed by Erick Aquino Montoro

Pacha Tinku (A Full Belly)


The curse of the sands (2010)

Directed by Cristina Bocchialini & Ayman El Gazwy


FEAT: 63 Marathons in 63 Days (2010)

Directed by Deborah Carr

The hope for a cure lies in the feet of one man.


Camp Victory,Afghanistan (2010)

Directed by Carol Dysinger

A true story of Americas Exit Strategy from Afghanistan


Los Con Voz (Those With Voice) (2007)

Directed by Jeff Arak


The Inevitable Flight (2009)

Produced by Syed Azfar Ali Rizvi

The flight for survival


Triptych – a Documentary Video Installation (2010)

Directed by Magdalena Hutter

Five refugees, five stories. An endless journey through the desert in hope of a better future.


Snake Fever (unreleased)

Directed by Wendy Greene


Hand of God (2007)

Directed by Joe Cultrera

An Intensely personal and poetic look at Catholic clergy abuse told through a survivor & his family.


Witch City (1997)

Produced by Bob Quinn

Salem Witches, Evangelical Preachers, greed..and business as usual

Dword avatar film

ORiginal WOlfen - Aus der Geschichte einer Filmfabrik (1996)

1995 - the anniversary of cinema and the year of deconstruction of the film manufacture

Dword avatar film

Myth, Might & Murderer. (1998)

Directed by Kerstin Stutterheim

The Occult and the Nazi-Regime


Flies & Angels. (2010)

Ilya & Emilia Kabakov - the art of 'total' installation


The Turanos - Just a Matter of Balance (2003)

how a life of an artist and history can be connected as well as love and family can become home


Die Wäscherei / The Laundry (1993)

This laundry near Berlin acts like a microcosmos of the change after the wall was fallen down


bauhaus - modell & mythos (2009)

the well known bauhaus-school remembered by former students