Minor Details
Directed by Jenna A. Bush
A soldier returns home from Afghanistan and faces culture shock as he attempts to finish his degree.
- Watch
- Genre
- Human Interest, Current Affairs, Society, and Culture
- Synopsis
James Henderson left school to join the military just one semester shy of earning his degree. In 2008, he was deployed to Afghanistan. With camera in hand, he documents his training and daily life in the inhospitable landscape. After returning home from his 15-month tour, James reflects on the life-altering rigors of war and his difficulty readjusting to civilian life. Surrounded by young students fresh out of high school, he begins to question his place in society and the career path he originally chose.
- Stage
- finished
- Running time
- 24 minutes
- Jenna A. Bush ... Director, Producer, Writer, Editor, Camera, Composer
Production Details
- Prod. Co.
- JAB Films, LLC
- Country
- United States
- Years of Production
- 2010
- Locations
- NJ, Afghanistan
Distribution Details
- Release year
- 2011
- Festivals
- Garden State Film Festival, Rumspringe Film Festival,
- Awards
- Best Homegrown Documentary Short, featured on NJTV NJ Docs show
- Language
- English
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